Danny Maruyama


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Websites I Like

alyssakeimach.net -- Alyssa graciously helped me design this website.

glaciercountrylandscapes.com -- The website of my favorite Montana painter.

www.education.iastate.edu/people/faculty/faculty/kristina-tank.html -- An exciting young STEM researcher from ISU.

www.cehd.umn.edu/edpsych/people/Faculty/Maruyama.html -- A Social Psych researcher who is getting too many grants to consider retiring.

andrewtank.com/AT/Home.html -- The best young golf coach in the country.

earlyinterventioninreading.com -- A proven program designed to assist struggling readers by improving literacy instruction.

www.ktocollege.org -- A great non-profit that tries to meet the material needs of underprivileged children.

www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~scoats/Welcome.html -- Megadroughts.

zochowski.biop.lsa.umich.edu -- An outdated version of my research group's page. My thesis advisor, Michal Zochowski, puts up with me daily and drives the group to do exciting work.


There are many pop neuroscience books that do a good job of introducing some of the fun ideas within the field. Below are a few that I enjoy.

On Intelligence - Jeff Hawkins

In Search of memory - Eric Kandel

Consciousness - Christopher Koch

Great Science Papers

Science papers are the source of many ideas, both right and wrong, and occasionally the best of these ideas trickle down and permeate society. I enjoy looking through classic papers and trying to understand concepts the way they were first described. Below are a few that are incredible achievements and won't disappoint.


My Favorite basketball blogs


Textbooks I Like


Other awesome things